New Hosting and New Domain
3 May 2013
The crawler website has moved to a new host and a new domain name. will now redirect to The crawler itself will be hosted on the same machine as the website and the database. This will allow more interactive use of the data that wasn’t possible before. Previously the crawler and database were [...]
Updated G2 Network Map
13 Jan 2012
I updated the G2 Network Map. It now contains data from February 2009 to January 2012. In total the crawler has collected 2.9 million unique hub IP addresses and 105 million unique leaf IP addresses. The code I wrote for creating the map is published on github at IPv4 Heatmap source code. If you have [...]
G2 Network Map
8 Jun 2011
So it’s been nearly a year since the last post. For the most part the crawler website has stayed the same with only the occasional bug fix as necessary. However I have continued to experiment with new ideas and I am taking advantage of the more powerful computer to open up new possibilities. One such [...]
A Quick Update
11 Jul 2010
I purchased a new computer recently to replace several of my old ones. Two computers in particular were responsible for retrieving graph data and plotting graph data respectively. The new system has a slightly different Munin configuration because I switched from Debian to Ubuntu. So the graph colors will be different. Also some of the [...]
There are currently 3358 users on the G2 network.
The crawler stats are updated every 5-10 minutes. All times are UTC+00:00.
Featured hub of the moment
- Name: tintin
- Country:
- Client: Shareaza
- Connected hubs: 6
- Connected leaves: 179
- Online: 11 hours 56 minutes
- (key)