g2paranha (the crawler) and the crawler website are written and maintained by Rafael Bedia (dcat).
Without the help of these people the crawler would not be what it is.
- Daisuke created a time lapse video from a set of images.
- Datz hosted the crawler program from the summer of 2008 to May 2013. He currently helps maintain the crawler.
- kevogod is an HTML and CSS guru. However any bugs or bad website design decisions should be blamed on me.
- mosteo wrote the original crawler.
- OldDeath finds bugs on a regular basis. He also made many suggestions for improving the website's usability. In particular it was his idea to add descriptions on every page so that visitors will know what all the data means.
- WeblionX has made suggestions for improving the website.
- WildCard gave me ideas on new statistics to display.
These tools, programs, libraries, and media make the crawler and the crawler website possible:
- Media/Data
- - Country flags
- MaxMind GeoIP - IP to country mapping
- Programs
- Languages/Libraries
- Javascript
- Google Maps
- Prototype
- Scriptaculous
- Sorttable
- Perl
- POE - the basis for the crawler
- GD - graphics library
- pCharts - graphing library
- Python
- Javascript